7-18 May 2018
Hey Joe Coffee Co. Gallery Eskişehir 
I express myself in my paintings and I want them to look good. I like to surrender to the material while painting. What makes me feel the best, free, comfortable…etc while painting is the limit. The scarcity of options. 
“Popo” means “butt” in turkish. Our butt is like our showcase. On the one hand, our back, our strength, our backyard, our weaknesses. Pom-po-pom is like showcasing my butt to public. I am too afraid to show these weaknesses, fears. Pom-po-pom is about the flaws we avoid showing. It’s about shame, conflicts, dilemmas, boundaries, surrender. Pom-po-pom is not “I made these pictures”. It’s an inner journey, these paintings came across me on this journey. They told me something. Through these paintings, I started to talk to myself, to meet, to know myself. I started to accept, hear, listen. Pom-po-pom is our past, our backyard, our savings.



POM-PO-POM is a selection of acrylic paintingson canvas i created between 2011 and 2018. It turned to a solo exibition in Eskisehir, my universit 阅读更多内容

