Profil von Brayden Davis

Night Time Photography

f/5.6   ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 0.3
f/5.6  ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1/15
f/6.7 ISO 200  Shutter Speed: 1/125
f/5.6  ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1/4
f/4.0 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1.0
f/5.6 ISO 800 Shutter speed 0.3
f/5.6 ISO 800 Shutter Speed 0.3
f/4.0 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1.5
f/4.0 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1.0
f/4.0 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1.5
f/4.0 ISO 800  Shutter Speed: 1/45
f/4.0 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1/30
f/5.6 ISO 800 Shutter Speed: 1/8

Written Critique: 
1. What was the biggest challenge in this assignment and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge was the exposure. The auto exposure wouldn't let me snap a picture with such low exposure. But I figured out how to use the manual exposure to solve the problem.

2. What kinds of images turned out the best and why?

I think my picture that still capture the sillowhett of the trees with the smallest amount of blue light in the background are the best

3. How can this assignment be improved in the future?

I think we should be given some suggested times to go out to take pictures that would have the best exposure for the best shot.
Night Time Photography

Night Time Photography

