1)Understand the Problem 
1) What is the purpose of a book cover?
The purpose of a book cover is to draw the potential reader into the book and make that reader wonder and question the book.

2)Find and post one excellent design example of a book cover and note why you believe it to be an excellent example.
This cover immediately caught my eye and drew me in. The blurred faced made me question the book and I was intrigued. The use of unique typography and font as well made me question more. I think the book is about some sort of dystopia where all faces are blurred.

3)What makes a good or bad book cover?
The difference between a good and bad cover is a mixture of multiple elements. You have to make the reader question what the book could be about and make sure to get the readers attention with a captivating image.

2) Research And Investigate
Key Events:
-Taken from his home in Hungary to Bruna on cramped train (concentration camp)
-Goes to Auschwitz with father
-Labor camp at Auschwitz
-Father dies
-Left alone on run to next camp
-Finally Liberated

Author: Elie Wiesel

Publisher: Hill and Wang Publishing

Awards: Oprah book club, author wins noble peace prize 

Importance: Described as one of the most authentic and Holocaust stories
3) Generate Possible Solutions
4) Select and Develop The Best Solution
I chose this design because I felt that it was able to capture the main theme of the book while not giving away the book and keeping the potential readers attention.

I will create a hierarchy of information by creating different sizes of fonts and boldness. For the graphics I will use a different size of the barbed wire and the spacing between each spike placement.
5) Model and Prototype (Create)
This was my brush that I would be able to put on my the pen tools thus creating my graphics. I created the loop by using the rulers and cutting the wire so that it was started and ended at the same height and distance between wires.
First test of the brush
I was unable to create corners so I decided that I would have to round all the edges to make the path not split up.
First attempt at the authors name.
Looks much better when the stroke is decreased to .2 and not 1.
Wanted a continuous line so thought to use cursive but still couldn't get it after many tries.
The Star of David would cut up at the points.
Rounding it makes it look bad so I would have to try something else.
This was created much larger which allowed it to be curved but still hold the shape really well.
Tested different stroke lengths (.2/.3/.4/.5).
Started work in Photoshop.
Started to play with a blood spatter.
6)Test and Evaluate
With more time I would make the "Wiesel" part better and tried to find a solution to the floating circles in the "i"'s.
Asked others for opinions and they said with the cover being about roughness I should add a texture to truly capture the feel of the cover 
Added a rough texture and played with the opacity a little bit.
What you liked about your solution?
I liked the final outcome and thought I did really well (better than expected). The brush came out really well and I was satisfied when the barded wire created great sections for y back cover. It was well planned out and I executed my plan well.
What you would do different in the process?
I would adjust the "Wiesel" part to make it better and tried to find a solution to the floating circles in the "i"'s.
Identify your greatest difficulties.
My greatest difficulties were creating the brush and using the pen tool to make letters and designs while curving it the whole time. These two parts took me about 3/5 of the time and I didn't go into photoshop until these were done.
What did you learn from this project?
The main skill that I learned from this project was creating new brushes and custom brushes. I also learned a lot about how to plan better. As well I learned about the importance and how to create a good book cover.
"Night" by Elie Wiesel Book Cover

"Night" by Elie Wiesel Book Cover


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