My project consisted of many different aspects that went along with the crest. I mapped out my options that involved my family and ended up getting symbols for cooking, the Redskins, D.C, soccer and wheat for farming. I experimented with a couple design finishes and colors that eventually stood out the most. It took me a while to figure out that only two colors on a design is most likely the best way to go. 
Above is my mind map. I Had all theses things here because they represent my family well. The ones I chose I found to be the most prominent. 
ABove are my 4 roughs and 10 thumbnail sketches. I based a lot of what I designed off the thumbnails and sketches because of how simple the designs were on most of them. 
Above is my template where all the designing happened. As you can see I experimented with a lot of different designs and color combination to get the perfect amount of simplicity and effect. 
Above is a design that had too much going on, there was not enough simplicity and balance in either of these designs so I chose not to use them. 
Above is also a design that had too much going on but had a bit more balance to it. Although the fixes at the bottom half helped its balance it also made it more complex. 
Above are my three simple concepts of my family crest that i chose from. In these I made them much simpler in terms of the color scheme and was able to pin out a couple different combinations in terms of the bottom half. 
As we were going through this project I was instructed to give critique on a coupe of my classmates projects as well as receiving some on mine. I was told that i needed to simplify my crest so that I could focus on what really mattered rather than the different colors that were over taking the crest. After that I corrected my colors and made my crest only consist of about two colors. I also cleaned up the bottom pattern which was also distracting from my crest. 
Above is my final design that I am able to showcase. Overall the design is simple yet complex in terms of motion. The reason for all these items and symbols either has a direct correlation with my family or my family's history. My family has a very active aspect about us so I had to add the soccer ball because that is our main sport. The HTTR symbol stands for hail to the redskins which signifies that we root and are die hard fans. The bowl and spoons shows that we are a family that loves to cook and make home made foods, which comes from my grandmas side. The wheat is suppose so signify our farming roots that hld and tie us back to west virginia where my family is based. At the very bottom is a building that is supposed to signify washington D.C because my family has many ties to our nation's capital. My sister was born there and so where my mom and dad. Also, my mom worked in the white house and I will be doing an internship later to come in my years.
A Family Crest

A Family Crest
