BRAVO DESIGN's profile

Inverroche Limestone Rum

Inverroche Limestone Rum

Inverroche Limestone Rum is a liquid of the highest quality, and distinctive due to the lime rich waters of Still Bay in the Southern Cape coastline of South Africa. This special ingredient, alongside blackstrap treacle molasses, gives the Inverroche Limestone Rum an inherent minerality and flinty character.

Inverroche was founded by the Scott family, their heritage set the stage for the brand name – Inverroche.  The Scottish word “Inver” meaning ‘a confluence of water’ and the French word “Roche” meaning ‘rock or stone’. These are two of the very elements that have come together to spark.  The packaging design conveys this simple yet elegant approach with the symbolic language derived from the logo showcased in an abstract manner. The packaging has world class finishes including different colour foiling and finished off with a unique limestone enclosure hand made and mined from the Still Bay area.

The labels were printed by Vollherbst Etiketten.

Inverroche Limestone Rum

Inverroche Limestone Rum

Inverroche Limestone Rum packaging design
