Perfil de Noreste Studio

Tracing beautiful stories

Diseño industrial

Tracing beautiful stories with you

There are certain dates of the year that are worth reminding our clients how thankful
we are for the trust they place in us. This was a very ambitious internal project,
intended to surprise and endure in their memories. We decided to create an object that represented who we are and the passion we have when working in synergy with them. This pencil holder, with 9 different lead grades, seeks to encourage and
support our clients’ creative processes.

“Tracing beautiful stories with you” was born from the purity of a simple line that with direction and intention evolves into a topographic representation situated in space
and time. This metaphor explains how each project comes to life in our studio.
The monochromatic palette and the different materials (paper, wood, and concrete) were carefully selected to tell a story, to provoke the senses and to create a unique, useful and timeless product that showcases our creative potential beyond of conventional formats.

Tracing beautiful stories


Tracing beautiful stories

There are certain dates of the year that are worth reminding our clients how thankful we are for the trust they place in us.
