The idea of this project was to create a crest that represents our family. I did this through utilizing Icons and indexes to represent different parts of me and my family's lives and history. 
A common critique I received was about my coloring. There were way too many colors, so I changed it to yellow, pink, and light blue. That looked bad, so I then I changed the pink to red, and the yellow to grey.
Black and White
The crown represents my family's distant connection to queen Elizabeth. The circles on each point of the crown, are representative of my 3 cousins, and they are red to represent girls. The gems on the crown represent the kids in my family, three blue gems to represent 3 boys, and a red gem to represent 1 girl. The sea in the top right represents our family tradition of going to San Diego and spending time on the beach every summer. The burger represents my family's love for food because we eat A LOT. The book shows the value of education for my family, and the cactus represents the three youngest kids in the family who have all lived in Arizona all our lives.
Family Crest
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Projet réalisé pour

Family Crest

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