Isso Restaurants (Pvt.) Ltd is a gourmet fast food restaurant chain in Sri Lanka and the maldives. I worked with their marketing team for a little over two years (March 2017 - 2018) to create promotional graphics and illustrations

These are some of my favorite pieces. 
Promotional poster for social media
Instagram story for a promotion running through October 2018, plus a variant. The pumpkin soup doesn’t glow like that in real life – that’s my handiwork, I promise. 
Social media post to promote new Maldives outlet
Illustration to introduce the newest menu item, Baby Octopus
The Great Isso Wave Off Kanagawa. This is probably the most intricate piece I’ve done for Isso – even counting the Maharajah Makhani. All those lines, the sea foam, the detailing on the waves… How the heck was the original hand-painted?
Father’s day 2018
Illustration to introduce a new menu style. 
Illustration created for the kids’ place mat to be used in the restaurant

Illustration created for instagram, including the new menu items. This is probably my favorite Isso drawing so far. Nothing like a bunch of sea creatures chilling by a pool, I say.
Isso Restaurants

Isso Restaurants
