Henkilön Ricardo Rosas profiili

Mass Media Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy
My responsibility is to develop strategies and tactics that promote the College offerings to the masses. To me, strategy leads the tactics and execution and they are built on each other. Here is a high-level example of how I develop our advertising strategy and tactics deployment on digital and traditional media. Our efforts have resulted in generating 9,434,962 Impressions, and 24,546 Clicks to site.
Strategy development and presentations are part of my daily grind. My job is to present complex concepts 
and strategies in a very simple and effective way. 
My approach to developing any strategy is based on data. The research I lead in partnership with EKR helped tremendously to inform our campaign messaging and provided with the right guidance for all the creative work we produced. All of it emphasizing our USP in all touch points. 
Knowing what message to target a specific channel is a no brainer but it is often ignored by many decision makers. My job is to tailor the message to match the channel and the audience to make sure it resonates and it is memorable. That is at the core of any messaging strategy.
Many would think that our audience is mostly college-age students, however, the research I lead in partnership with EKR says otherwise. Our audience includes a large range of ages and backgrounds, from students to parents and the community in general. For that reason, our deployment covers all media in a tactical way to target specific nitche groups and geographic areas.
The results of our digital campaigns have been wonderful. Here are some numbers:
9,434,962 Impressions combined on all digital channels and 24,546 Clicks to site during the campaign 
The core of our strategy was based on promoting student stories on all our channels. Each digital ad and touch point took our audience to our marketing pages on our website that showcased each student and alumni story with copy and the call to action to apply to our college. That resulted in a more effective audience experience and access to our offerings and an increase of started applications.  Strategies ought to evolve based on research, trends and audience needs.
Mass Media Marketing Strategy

Mass Media Marketing Strategy

My responsibility is to develop strategies and tactics that promote the College offerings to the masses. To me, strategy leads the tactics and ex Lue lisää
