Jade Norwood's profile

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility 

Do The Right Thing (DTRT) is the internal name My Home Move give to the work that they do for good causes and charities under their CSR umbrella. DTRT grew from the personal passion of their people, to be a force for good for those less fortunate than themselves. DTRT supports five good causes, all of which have had personal, as well as financial support from staff in various parts of My Home Move
Here is a video that I recorded and edited for DTRT. This short video summarises a charity trek undertaken by the staff at My Home Move.
To commemorate raising £100,000 for charities across the UK and India, I designed and created this booklet which has been shared multiple times throughout social media and on the My Home Move website under the CSR page.
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility
