Nicole Daae's profile

ISTD 2019 Lost People Really do Walk in Circles

ISTD 2019 - awarded project
Publication project based on the competition brief for the International Society of Typographic Design. 
Chosen brief entitled LOST. 

Self driven project as part of a masters degree at Teesside University.  

This project is a typographic interpretation of the idea that lost people start walking in circles. It draws on examples from pop culture references and an empirical study from 2007 aiming to test the theory. The publication explores the research findings and cultural references in various materials and techniques. The project is influenced by map design and attention-grabbing pop culture type settings, contrasting the data detailing type settings. 

Following an extensive research and development phase this publication project was the end result. 

The project was successfully awarded membership with award ceremony in London summer 2019. 
Thank you for viewing my project!
ISTD 2019 Lost People Really do Walk in Circles


Project Made For

ISTD 2019 Lost People Really do Walk in Circles

Istd membership awarded project about lost people walking in circles.
