Sarah Miller profili

Ad Campaign (Dragon's Trove)

Dragon’s Trove is a microbrewery based in New Albany Indiana. They are currently launching themselves and need a consistent branding campaign. The target audience for Dragon’s Trove was primarily female, ages 25-40 women, single, with a college degree. Dragon's Trove wanted 3 print ads to go in The Leo Weekly, a locally published magazine in Louisville. The idea of the ad campaign is capturing these dragons for their treasure, in this case, the brews. The three flavors are represented with a dragon, all dragons were designed and illustrated for this brand. 
Ad Mockup as it would be seen on a magazine
All three print ads, flat. 
Concept sketches of the print ads, these sketches will also be used to create the illustrations.
Ad Campaign (Dragon's Trove)
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Ad Campaign (Dragon's Trove)

Dragon's Trove ad campaign, print ads.

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