Perfil de Clara Bertness

Intrinsic Mousetrap Car

Materials: steel welding rod, VICTOR mousetrap, copper wire, aluminum tubing, string. 
This mousetrap car began by embracing the unspoken ingenuity of the mousetrap itself, mirroring it's utilitarian construction and junk-drawer color pallete. This is not so much a car powered by a mousetrap as it is a mousetrap that grew wheels. As construction evolved, it developed into a strange creature that takes on a rickety, whimsical presence. One might say it is as rediculous as the concept of making an aesthetically pleasing mousetrap car. 
It should be mentioned that this car was entered into a competition and won second place in the catagory of aesthetics. It went about 20 feet (above average), and makes a very odd sound. 
Intrinsic Mousetrap Car
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Intrinsic Mousetrap Car

A car born from a mousetrap.

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