All City Candy is a candy store located in the Cleveland, Ohio area that serves the world internationally. All City Candy does a mass amount of fulfillment of Amazon orders for the candy they sell. The section of the store that is used for fulfillment is called the Amazone a combination of the words "Amazon" and "Zone". I was hired to illustrate this sign to be hung in the Amazone section of the store. 
Since it is called the Amazone, I decided to play off the image of the Amazon rain forest, with illustrations of trees, monkeys, a river and mountains in the background, almost like a jungle. We wanted it to have a fun illustrated style, because it is fun and fulfilling to work in the Amazone. Everyone is always smiling while working, and each illustrated monkey, bird, and turtle symbolize a different worker, that works in the Amazone section of the store. I really enjoyed creating this piece, as it is fully illustrated by hand and has a lot of symbolism behind it, yet it can be enjoyed by anyone.

Banner for All City Candy Amazon fulfillment section called Amazone!
Graphic for Grand Opening of All City Candy Amazon fulfillment section called Amazone including the actual banner!
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All City Candy Amazone


All City Candy Amazone

Sign illustrated for All City Candy to hang by the Amazon fulfillment section of the store. We are calling this section Amazone!
