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Colleges For Management in Mumbai

Top 5 Areas of Specialization Available in Management Colleges in Mumbai
For millions of graduates, an MBA seems like a portal for a well-paying job. All you need to do is get into a college that has a good reputation and an excellent placement record. Well, like any fresh MBA graduate in his/her first job will tell you – all this is easier said than done.

While the competition is cut throat (literally!) for the elite IIMs, thankfully there are some very good colleges for management in Mumbai, Delhi etc. who are more approachable. However, enrolling in an MBA course requires careful thought and planning – along with the faculty, infrastructure and of course, the placement record you also need to consider your favored area of specialization while picking your college.

Over 30 specializations are being offered by B-schools across the country, and this can make choosing one a bit confusing. Here we have shortlisted the top 5 specializations you can find in almost all management colleges in urban centres like Mumbai. These have been ranked according to popularity –


This is the most sought after branch of management course around the country.  The specialization focuses on teaching foundational marketing skills such as how to sell products and services, how to strategize to grow demand of the company’s offering, branding and attracting fresh customers and much more. It has applicability in almost every single business and industry. Hence candidates with a degree in marketing management have a wide variety of career opportunities.


An MBA in finance is one of the most popular in the country! A targeted course in this area gives you financial management skills; these range from costing and budgeting to capital management. A good degree from a management college in Mumbai is sure to land you a good starting job in one of India’s premier banking institutions.

Human Resources

As an important part of corporate life, HR management graduates are highly sought-after and can look forward to a rewarding and secure career. It involves managing the workforce and creating a positive and productive work culture and if you have people skills, then this just might be the specialization that will lead to a satisfying career.

Information Technology

As digital technology takes over our daily lives and work environments, technology companies have become some of the largest recruiters of management graduates in India. An MBA in IT from metros like Mumbai is a great option for students who already have an IT background. This will boost their chances of entering into a satisfying corporate career that combines strategizing and technology.

Operation Management

Businesses especially the ones with Manufacturing as their core function need managers who know production or factory floor or shop floor management. An MBA in Operations Management will give you crucial knowledge of managing process flows, handling supply chains and distribution management – all these are highly coveted by businesses across the world.

Choosing the right area of specialization is crucial for your long term career success. Many opt for a specialization only with an eye on future job opportunities, and while that is an important criteria it shouldn’t be the only one. You should definitely pick an area that aligns with your personality, interests and abilities – after all, you will be working in this field for decades and you don’t want to be stuck doing something that doesn’t appeal to you!
Colleges For Management in Mumbai

Colleges For Management in Mumbai

For millions of graduates, an MBA seems like a portal for a well-paying job. All you need to do is get into a college that has a good reputation Read More


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