MAMAK originates from the eating habitsand cuisine inMalaysia.It adopts the price strategy of sidewalk snack booth which is delicious but cheap and provides new choices from the South Asiancuisine, Establishing the convergence of people, food, time and space  of food,Tracingback to the purely sharing and enjoyment of eating;The pentagram and crescent on the Malaysia flag are the mainelements,The bright yellow and blue are the main colors, andall these traits makethe  brand  high-attentioned.The well space planning makes the restaurant looks like a real streetscape.
We  use street lamp, guideboard, paintings, wall output and other devices as well as rugged dining tables and chairs to covey the enthusiastic style of the brand and the classic cuisines with pure descent of the south Asia..
Client _ MAMAK檔
Brand Design Copyright _ SUMMER CODE
Art Director _ Frye Young
Designer _  Frye Young
Interior Design _  Ren Hao Hsieh
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