Cristiana Araújo 的個人檔案

Dia D - Event Identity design

Designers: Cristiana Araújo & Alexandre Araújo
Project type: Academic project
Tutor: Ana Catarina Silva
Dia D is a design event, organized by the School of Design - IPCA, with the support of the city of Barcelos. It is an annual event, where the exhibition of academic projects, as well as the experiences of the professional world of design, is what characterizes this event. Appealing to the practice and value of the design in the region, conversations are made about this area, having as experienced professionals guests.
Dia D focuses on the process. The end result comes in addition, but the process is the fundamental part that characterizes the design. As a form of visual communication of this event, our graphic approach then went through a concept, followed by a complete and informed process. Empty and full out the concept. Thinking about the theoretical part, our minds are now full of ideas, sometimes they are not. Now they are empty, now they are filled with information, with conversations like these of the event. As a fundamental part of our process, we opted for the use of photography, the truly way to show the real, where we can roughly demonstrate these two opposite sides. The process generated by ideas, concrete concepts and later abstract, generalized our point of view. Based on the void, the filled one fills up and the generated process is executed by time, and space. Following this line of thought, an image was constructed that, in a minimal way, characterizes this void that fills the event, filling it. Metaphorically, a balloon was used, symbol of a void that fills, becoming full.
                                                                                                                    Digital poster 
    Poster (50cmx70cm), printed in offset.
                                       Open folder (21cmx29,7cm) 
                                              Closed folder (7,42cm).
                                             Flyer (7,5cmx14cm)
                                                         ID Event Card
       Small bag 
                                                            Instagram post

 Thank you!

Dia D - Event Identity design

Dia D - Event Identity design
