Profil von Pat Vogt

Light & Space Identity and Website

Visual artist Diana Ramaekers is interested in the relationship between light and space: exploring and revealing fractions of another world behind the visible space around us. "I am looking for a different form of dynamics, playing with unscharpness and different definitions of space in order to disorientate, as well as in my lightpieces, as both in my video installations".

Her video- and light installations, often concipated for a specific space, show a sort of light architecture. It is very exiting to reveal an intangible world of short duration, visualized by a delicate choreography of light that gives space a new dimension and dynamics and most important: great power!

She's also interested in creating new artworks with light for specific spaces, for public space, special locations in galleries or museums. New and different spaces are great challenges for her and her development as a visual artist. Diana Ramaekers specialties: video- and lightinstallations, site specific lightworks and art in public space.
Best of greeting cards, Zeiss publishers, Germany.
Light & Space Identity and Website

Light & Space Identity and Website

Logo, Identity and Web design
