Jessica Fecteaus profil

Par Amour du Jeu 1998-2018 / Visual Identity

Par Amour du Jeu 1998 — 2018 exhibition, festival and catalogue 👉🏻 This wide-ranging cultural season focuses on the issue of football as a major social phenomenon in the last twenty years, while celebrating the 20th anniversary of France’s World Cup victory and the 2018 World Cup in Russia 💙⚽️

Creative direction — Aurélie Scalabre
Art direction — Jessica Fecteau
Editorial design — Antoine Lafuente

Par Amour du Jeu 1998-2018 / Visual Identity

Par Amour du Jeu 1998-2018 / Visual Identity

Par Amour du Jeu 1998-2018 exhibition + festival 👉🏻 an event created to launch the first cultural season of the Magasins généraux, a new creative Læs mere
