Perfil de Alejandro Lozano Robledo

Bromelia - Mobility Ecosystem

Future Mobility Ecosystem - Bromélia
Commuting in São Paulo is extremely lengthy and monotonous; there is no JOY in the routine of going from home to work and back. The metro system is also not connected to the nearby ABC cities, where most of the people that commute daily to São Paulo live. Factors such as crime, stress and lack of comfort have a significant impact in the urban landscape, which as a matter of fact is designed mainly for cars.

Bromélia, named after the iconic tropical flower from Brazil, is a mobility concept that exists in an infrastructure where São Paulo and its surrounding ABC cities are connected through an infrastructure of autonomous public transit vehicles and what we call “parking parks”.

Parking lots take up lots of valuable urban space. In our concept these become “parks”; places for community and social engagement, essentially bringing JOY and giving the city back to the people.

Bromélia, provides access to clean and safe public transportation to users from São Paulo and surrounding ABC cities and effortlessly takes them to their destinations in a seamless and joyful experience through its engaging and dynamic seating arrangement and holographic displays during “commuting” mode, and also “parking” mode where it opens as a social space and deploys its artificial leaf mechanism that captures water from moisture, then breaks it into hydrogen for propulsion while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, and finally the fuel-cell outputting even more water through its hydrophilic double-layer structure.

Design Team: Alejandro Lozano Robledo, Yuki Fukunaga, Juan Antonio Islas Munoz

Thank you for your time!
Bromelia - Mobility Ecosystem
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