Profil Alexandra .

Activated Line Motions through Enactment

Activated Line Motions through Enactment 

This approach uses the idea of the kinesphere, as lines within the user’s space that are invisible until activated by the kinesphere, and the concept that the kinesphere “serves as a memory”.

The participant is asked to enact: 
- Drawing two instances of himself - present and future - so that both are brought into focus in a non linear manner, and are given the same importance;
- Marking three body parts or areas that he considers the most on the presence instance and “connect” them to corresponding parts/areas of his future instance;
- His daily, most common present activities through body motions, and for the future instance the ones the’d like to have more of (ideal future enactment).

The methodologies all involve the body as foundational piece. However, rather than becoming an anatomical piece, the body acts as a gate into the user’s world. The user’s participation is essential - the system cannot work without his input.

Line drawing was used as an active tool throughout the project.
Experimentation and storyboarding

Using the body and movement tracking as the foundational piece, experimentation started out by having discussions with a physical therapist, and looking into ways in which patients are or could be helped to better track and improve their home exercises.

Patient repetition of movements in a correct manner (first row) and patient repetition of movements incorrectly (second row):
Going forward, using the conceptual term “lakshan”, the transition is made to analysing not “only in sickness, but also in health”,

Present most common activities (first row) and Ideal movements for the future (second row):
The bringing the preset-future self-drawn instances onto the same focus level:
Present-future visual connections were used as gate into user’s world, and helped defining perceptions and desires around present and future personal space, and reflecting upon them.
Behind the scenes:)
A special and huge thank you goes to the participant in this project!

And thank you for stopping by!:)
Activated Line Motions through Enactment

Activated Line Motions through Enactment
