Indian Art Summit 2012
Explaining the project to visitors
We exhibited at the Indian Art Summit 2012, as the Autonomous Public Laboratory.
The work we exhibited was an extension of the work we did for iGEM as ArtScienceBangalore. 
We put up our lab on the site and all of the equipment we built keeping jugaad in mind.
The Team
Ars Electronica
Sometime after the first semester of our Third year began, we were told that our iGEM project had been nominated as an honorary mention for the Ars Electronica. 
Options for the design of the toolkits.
Plans were made to redo our toolkits. To make it better than before. More presentable, more professional.
What goes where?
We had three different toolkits, each serving a different function. We had one toolkit for the microscope, one for the soil samler and samples, and the last for the documentation.
Each kit had minor modification to suit the apparatus that would be attached in it.
Work being displayed at Ars Electronica
Indian Art Summit and Ars Electronica

Indian Art Summit and Ars Electronica

An extension of the Artsciencebangalore group project. Its exploration at the Indian Art Summit and Ars Electronica.
