"In this descriptive project of mine I would like to tell you about a great artist that I highly esteem and a source of much inspiration, also Colombian like me.
I want to talk to you in particular about the "Air" project which impressed me a lot both for the realization and for what the artist wanted to represent."

Daniel Forero is a freelance art director who combines scenography and photography to create a bold and conceptual work with an artistic approach.

Air is the name of his latest project and speaks of that precise moment of tension that precedes the bursting of a balloon: you know it's about to explode. Is it possible to represent this feeling so fleeting?

"I also wanted to honor this great artist with my interpretation of one of his works, hoping that it would be to his liking and thanking him again to inspire me."

"How really is the tension to which every artist is subjected really?
In my visual interpretation I really wanted to make the artist part of the work.
How many of you would be able to make such a work by putting yourself in its place?"

Thanks for watching and thanks Daniel!!!

Air Or Not Air

Air Or Not Air

"In this descriptive project of mine I would like to tell you about a great artist that I highly esteem and a source of much inspiration, also Co Read More
