Craft Promotion - Kolhapuri Chappal

Kolhapur -  A very ancient city, famous for its food, head wear, footwear, jewelry, wrestling and religious connections.
The city also lends its name to many common terms like Kolhapuri Chappal , Kolhapuri lavangi mirchi, Kolhapuri gur and Kolhapuri cuisine.

7 days in Kolhapur for a craft cluster visit was a life time learning experience.
From learning about the exquisite craft of kolhapur to exploring the city we had it all.
With all this experience, learning and information that we gathered during our journey, we have come with a coffee table book and a document that talks about Kolhapur and its craft - Kolhapuri Chappal.
Coffee Table Book 
Craft Promotion - Kolhapuri Chappal