Landscape Design
A Landform Design
Illustrative sections (above)
Illustrative sections of a landscape I designed. The theme was "focus." My design is characterized by concentric ridges of decreasing height, leading viewers' eyes to focus on the center of the design. A dirt path and cantilever stairs lead visitors through the landform.
Illustrative plan (above)
The landform is covered in a grassy lawn, with denser and rougher grasses occupying the "valley" portions of the undulating land. Variations in texture are captured in the illustrative plan above. 
Models illustrating the design concept (above)
"Hope and Conservation"
A Trail Design
Trailhead (above)
Expressing the theme of hope and continuation of life, this a trail design dedicated to San Francisco Bay Area natural resource conservationist, Lennie Roberts.
Plaza (above)
This trail takes visitors through groves of deciduous Ginkgo trees. Wooden poles protrude from the ground beneath the canopies. In autumn, the vibrant golden Ginkgo leaves fall to the ground and accentuate the form of the poles. 
End of trail (above)
The contrast between the poles and live trees underscores the theme of hope and the continuation of life. Meanwhile, the poles are reminiscent of tree stumps, reminding visitors of what the landscape would have looked like if not for Roberts' intervention.
Cross section (above)
Detail investigation of the poles (above)
Mixed Media Landscape Illustrations
A reimagined landscape of Rottnest Island in Australia (above)
Costume Design and Illustration
Costume designs and illustrations (above)
Costume designs and illustrations (above)
Hairstyle design (above)
Characters and Animations
"Long-ma: Long Llamas" (above)
"Dogucan the Dog Toucan" (above)
"Yummy" (above)
WeChat Emoticon Sticker Challenge Semi-Finalist
UC Berkeley Portfolio

UC Berkeley Portfolio
