Tatiana Bischaks profil

12 (Wrong) Days of Christmas

Twelve (Wrong) Days of Christmas
This project began while on vacation, and it was meant to pull me out of a creative slump I had found myself in. Originally it was intended to remain true to the Christmas carol "12 Days of Christmas", but I did not research partridge photos accurately and used an image of a quail for reference. Quails are cooler anyways, so I decided to go with a different subject for each verse rather the traditional objects. Each stamp subject had to fit into the song as the originals had. So the song with this twist goes:

Twelve yummy doughnuts, 
Eleven mighty women, 
Ten cups of coffee, 
Nine window boxes, 
Eight bowls of ramen, 
Seven boats a-sailing, 
Six clocks a-ticking, 
Four swimming frogs, 
Three fat pugs, 
Two rock lobsters, 
And a quail in a small hedge.

Dribbble asked me for a blog post about the creation of the stamps which can be found here.

Prints of the illustration containing all the stamps can be found on my Etsy
A Quail in a Small Hedge
Two Rock Lobsters
Three Fat Pugs
Four Swimming Frogs
Five Types of Cheese
Six Clocks a'Ticking
Six Clocks a'Ticking GIF
Seven Boats a'Sailing
Eight Bowls of Ramen
Nine Window Boxes
Ten Cups of Coffee
Eleven Mighty Women
Twelve Yummy Doughnuts
The Complete Set
Prints Available on Etsy
Thanks for looking- this project was very transformative and enjoyable, and I'd challenge others to take on personal projects like this in times of creative block. 
12 (Wrong) Days of Christmas


12 (Wrong) Days of Christmas

A Christmas personal project that helped me grow and turned out to be one of my favorite piecs
