
The movie: Spike
For our film we wanted to really focus on our main protagonist Bart. I edited the film adding a lot of cuts and jump cuts. For color correction, I used a blue and orange tint to some parts of the film. I added the blue tint to parts that took place inside the gym, the locker room, and outside. When he was inside the house I added a warm orange color to the room. 
Movie Nathan, 2019
The Focus of the trailer was to highlight some parts of the film. Trying to introduce interest in our film with clips of spiking and an argument. We had the Protagonist argue with his best friend David to create suspense. As for the music I added an energetic beat in the beginning. In the other half I put in sad music to show emotion. 
Trailer Andy, 2019
With the Effects Reel, I focused on removing objects from the footage. There wasn't much effects added as we fell behind but we pushed through as a group. I've restarted an effects list from scratch with the footage we had. I spent time looking through the footage and tried to add effects but they wouldn't turn out the way we wanted it to. In the end the clips were used and configured to look cleaner.

Effects Reel Andy, 2019
Wallpaper Design
For the desktop and smartphone design I wanted to focus more about the main actor and try to show emotion. On the both of the wallpaper design, I wanted my audience to kind of have a sense of what the movie will be but at the same time it clearly shows that the story will be focusing on one character. Even though it didn't turn out the way how I wanted it, it also teaches me how to work with what I got and be creative with it. 

Keng Xiong
Poster by: 
David Quintanilla
For my poster I wanted to use the theme of Teamwork, this is visualized by the glowing emblem on the back of the shirt with rays of light placing even more emphasis on the main focus.
DVD Case/Packaging by: 
David Quintanilla
Keeping with the concept of Teamwork, I decided to use the volleyball as it is the main sport, and give it a soft glow, this can be seen on the protagonists shirt.
Sadie Vazquez

For the banner i wanted to bring the main character the center of attention with him holding the volleyball as if it held all the answers. 