Luigi Memola profili

LEA2019 Alfa Romeo Concept car

Otomotiv Tasarımı
Alfa Romeo LEA 2019 ! Lea is the (female) name of a person really special for me, but today is also the Italian acronym of : Linea (Line) Emozionante (Exciting) Aerodinamica (Aerodynamics). My idea of magnetic beauty, sensuality, sexy and aggressiveness without compromise. The project was born by accepting the "public" invitation to participate in the "#AlfaRomeoDesignChallenge" organized by  From the first handmade sketch (go down in this gallery! :D) made with bic on sheet, I switched to coloring with Photoshop and only later did I decide to bring my vision into 3D. 
LEA2019 Alfa Romeo Concept car
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LEA2019 Alfa Romeo Concept car

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