Texture: The course shape of the piece in the front has jagged edges, while the bird in the background is smooth. These two textures contrast showing the dichotomy of the pieces. 
Value: The face of the subjects is paired with laughter. The sounds ring thought the room. I know it well.
Balance: The three shapes  match. Yet, the colors are different . This creates both balance and contrast. The smooth feel of the glass and the feminine shape make these some of my favorite pieces. 
Rhythm:This is a shot of the incense stand at the shop I work for. I remember smelling these an endless number of times. Just seeing the name reminds me of the smells. 
Color: These pieces are all by the same artist, however, they are all different colors. This artist is a personal friend of mine and is a taste maker in the community, He was at the first culinary event we held at the shop, this reminds me of taste. 
Unity: These pipes are all various hues of purple. Although they are different shapes and sizes, the color ties them together. Purple is one of my favorite colors for glass.
Space: This is Jasmine, the shop dog. In this photo she sits in the middle of the frame in a narrow field of depth. She is a good girl.
Value: This is my friend Nate. The way the light cast a strong shadow, the relaxed smile, and the posture all work to create the beautiful picture.
Form: I love the smoke she is blowing out. This creates a dramatic scene. This with all of the blurred items in the foreground give a feeling of depth. 
Color: The vast array off tie dye shirts give a deep range of colors. All hand-made in house. 
Unity: I happened to catch a photo of Rodger standing as a black car passed. This with the black of the curtains, couch, shirt, and shadows create a sense of unity. This is placed against the black building that is made blighter by the daylight. 
Positive Vibes Glass Shop
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Positive Vibes Glass Shop

This is Positive Vibes Headshop. These are the people I care about in the place that changed my life.

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