Exhibition Design Sajill 2010 for Mathaf

Exhibition identity: 
The inaugural exhibition is a remarkable, comprehensive cross-section of art from the Arab world produced over the last hundred years. Sajjil means ‘Act of Recording’ and it brought together over 200 artworks from Mathaf’s extensive collection. The Sajjil exhibition highlighted turning points in artistic thought as it evolved in the region. The exhibition created a space for many different stories and experiences and helped set Arab modern art in its historical place within a larger art-history tradition. It also emphasized the several common moments and concerns that made it possible to talk about a shared identity in the region.
Sajjil was divided into ten themed categories: nature; the city; individualism; form and abstraction; society; family; history and myth; struggle; huroufiyah (’abstract letterform art’) and Doha.
Completion date: Mathaf inaugural exhibition, December 2010 - October 2011
Although the first floor is all-lower ceiling galleries and had may beams due to the reuse of an old school building. It created a more applying seating for larger detailed works and inmate subjects like, family, society struggle, mythology
Design and implementation exhibition with 12 galleries 10 themes and 275 artworks. 
Coordinated with curator to understand and develop the exhibition layout to complete their vision. 
Coordinated with assistant curators to design all exhibition information and signage
The ground floor starts and ends with the form and abstraction galleries, which are long and had height ceilings that give a very stark ambiance to the space and the artwork adding the shapes created. 
One of the main challenges as an exhibition designer is to work with complex pieces such as the pyramid to create supports that will keep the art works safe.
Contracted Construction Company to work on creating temporary protean walls and builds platforms for artwork display. 
Contracted printers to work on providing all exhibition signage needs. Writing and managing scope of work for Installation Company with all exhibitions needs.
The second high ceiling gallery is much narrower and much more difficult to display. It felt much more welcoming with larger works. This gallery was dedicated to the artists who work in lived in Doha. On the labels we have shown the artist working in our old building. 
The artwork was originally made with no form of display out of four pieces creating the circle. I worked on designing a display system to handle the weight and still be invisible. The artwork is placed in front of you as you walk into the gallery and can experience the gap between it and the wall.
Exhibition Design Sajill 2010 for Mathaf

Exhibition Design Sajill 2010 for Mathaf

To design and implemant the inaugural exhibition Sajil: A Century in arab Modern Art for Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art. 12 galleries 2 floor 자세히 보기
