Profil użytkownika „Alexandra .”

Present You - Future You | Objects and projection

This project focused on exploring the types of interaction there could be between present you and future you, and finding a tangible way of showcasing these interactions. 

The main possible interactions considered were: balance, transition, and push and pull.
- Using physical objects - 

As a territory, experience design is defined by its low tech methodologies of making otherwise complex concepts accessible to the audience. It aims to invite introspection through the user’s imagination and self-reflection. An emerging practice which can increase user engagement is the combination of objects and projections, which can transform ordinary objects into ‘enchanted objects'.

Once tested with users, it became evident that people wanted to interact more with the elements (e.g. people viewing them were tempted to move the balance object). Through this observation, the scene was made to be truly interactive and respond to the user’s input, allowing a participant not only to ‘see’ but also ‘feel’ the effects of their input or contribution. The further exploration became an important part of the design process as means of user engagement, allowing for an otherwise complex concept to be perceived in a playful manner, and create an entrance point to the scene.
The interactive balance prototype made with Arduino, Processing, and the projected animation:
Thank you for stopping by! :)
Present You - Future You | Objects and projection

Present You - Future You | Objects and projection
