Profil von Brian Burns

Large Format Graphics

Southern Nevada Agency Partnership
Don't Trash Nevada Campaign Bus Shelter
10' x 10' Just Like Sugar Trade Show Booth

Large Format Posters
(L) Zeitgiest Day 2010 Poster design and concept. Also used for flyers, banner and web.
(R) The Sterling Club at Turnberry. When they could not produce a wooden plaque in time, I created this.
America Restaurant at NYNY Hotel & Casino
Rebranding project for the restaurant while undergoing remodel.
Menus, logos, and this concept for their new donut area inside. Trade Show Booth
This travel dot com startup needed a 10x10" cloth trade show graphic for conventions.

Astrosystems Trade Show Booth
Utilizing new at the time large format adhesive vinyl graphics,
the bill acceptor company's curved booth simulated money.
Large Format Graphics

Large Format Graphics

Examples of large format graphic design.

