Project Narroways, Bristol
Artist in Residence - Conrad Shawcross
Designed by Kim Lundberg-Poyzer, University of the West of England 2018

Brief: To use the Dom-Ino house as an inspiration to create a Studio and Living space for a Artist's Residency scheme from a given artist, which in my case was Conrad Shawcross.
I took inspiration from Conrad Shawcross's current studio and also some of his ideas around his own work. This in combination with some physical requirements (such as enough space for bigger sculptures etc) resulted in the design shown below.
Left: Rendered elevation in situ
Middle: Visual from inside of shed
Right: Visual from bottom floor workshop (Sculpture- Paradigm by Conrad shawcross, Not to scale).
Visual from top of the building, outside of shed 
Left: Site Location and a visualisation of paths used on site (that later informed pattern on glass cast)
Middle: Visual of open floor space in studio
Right: Section in Situ
Project Narroways, Artist Residency

Project Narroways, Artist Residency
