"Wise" Crowwise...
Crows are intelligent birds.Then, how to find the most intelligent of them? How about a chess game!! this is An attempt to make a Digital puppet animation as a part of our animations principle class. The brief was to make a digital puppet animation of a bird that seen inside the campus.
so we started to roam around the Campus to spot crows. we thought crows are in plenty but to be honest it was difficult to even find these birds as well. we observed their behavior,flight,took photographs, recorded videos and sketched them
Sketching the birds was to understand their skeleton structure, joints and to draw its silhouette. while thinking about the narrative, I've seen and heard stories about Crows being very intelligent. So what it would be if crows play chess which also needs intelligence to win. So I storyboarded the narrative
i started making the wings of the crow by understanding its joints. Then Using Adobe Photoshop i drew and painted the two crow characters,chess boarded, hanging lamp and background.i kept each element in seperate layers.
I imported the illustration to Adobe Aftereffects. The different layers of the illustration have been named properly to know the bodyparts of the birds,chessboard and backgrounds separately. Each one of them are rigged, animated and added sound effects.
Take a look of the final finished animation of crows playing chess.
Thanks for watching......

"Wise" Crow-wise

"Wise" Crow-wise
