Profil von charles pearce

Adult Swim Internship [2009]

In 2009 I was a production intern at Adult Swim. Priority Number One was working with the bump team. I bribed my way in with brownies, a miserable demo reel, and 'moxie' (their word). Out of a summer of failed attempts at writing copy, this was one of only two successful writings that made it on air. As an Intern, this is very difficult to least it was for me.
This was a Bump I helped develop during my internship. I wrote the copy and developed the visual assets. One of the actual members of the Bump Team put it together in After Effects and Final Cut Pro.
When I was hustling to work with the Bump Team, I made a lot of bad content and wrote a lot of bad scripts as I worked to get the voice and style right. Here's the team poking fun and one of my duds.
Some photos from my short time at Williams Street:
Adult Swim Internship [2009]

Adult Swim Internship [2009]

In 2009 I was an Adult Swim Production Intern.
