Phobias project
In this project I described the most popular human phobias.
In order by image:

Acrophobia: the fear of the heights and falling down.
Agoraphobia: the fear of open spaces.
Arachnophobia: the fear of the spiders.
Aphephobia: the fear of touching and being touched. 
Atelophobia: the fear of imperfections.
Athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten or ignored.
Belonephobia: the fear of the needles.
Cherophobia: the fear of being happy
Chronophobia: the fear of the passage of the time.
Claustrophobia: the fear of small spaces.
Clinophobia: the fear of fall asleep.
Coulrophobia: the fear of the clowns.
Dromophobia: the fear of crossing streets.
Eisotroptophobia: the fear of the mirrors.
Entomophobia: the fear of the bugs.
Gerascophobia: the fear of growing old.
Glossophobia: the fear of public speech.
Hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia: the fear of long words.
Mysophobia: the fear of dirtiness and contamination.
Nomophobia: the fear of being disconnected from the rest of the world.
Nyctophobia: the fear of the darkness.
Ophidiophobia: the fear of the snakes. 
Ornithophobia: the fear of the birds.
Panophobia: the fear of everything.
Pediophobia: the fear of the dolls
Phasmophobia: the fear of the ghosts.
Philophobia: the fear of falling in love.
Pocrescophobia: the fear of ganing weight.
Pyrophobia: the fear of the fire.
Scoptophobia: the fear of being stared at.
Tall poppy syndorme: the fear of the success
Taphophobia: the fear of being buried alive.
Tanatophobia: the fear of the death.
Telephonophobia: the fear of taking phone calls.
Thalassophobia: the fear of the sea/ocean
Tonsurephobia: the fear of getting a haircut.
Tripophobia: the fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes.



The most popular human phobias
