Left Films, creating a branding, and incorporating it to the web.
Everything created was built to make an unique visual design for this imaginary studio and photography company, since they logo to their business card and website concept based on mobile first and good UX.
 The logo project started by searching and understanding the most important objects in filmography and photographic industry. First thought about an actual camera, but ended adapting to an iris and then a diaphragm, all around a geometrical design.
 I've decided to make two versions of the logo, to be used in various situations, that can be seen more later in the project.
Business card
 Before thinking about the website, first I thought how the company's gonna show their visual directly to their clients, in a meeting, for exemple.
 The card is very minimalist in the front face, with just the simple logo over the expanded diaphragm, and the back has all the information needed to contact their job. Also has a QR Code that send the client directly to their website.
Mobile website
 First of all, any website these days has to be mobile first created and have some real UX study implemented on that. Thinking about that, the Left Films would come with an one page website, really fast to be accessed, more of an online portfolio with information about the company and contacts.
 On the other side, the desktop version is adapted to bigger screens and has the same features as the mobile.

by Messias Caffeu
LEFT Films

LEFT Films

Concept design to almost everything a company would need to have a good looking.
