https://tsukat.com - site of design and development of interactive visual solution, VR and AR.
For this site was developed high-speed site-engine for all customer requirements: front-end and back-end.

A mobile and desktop version has been created.
The desktop version was made like a slide. When you scroll the mouse, we smoothly move between the blocks. The site is designed in the style of landing-page.

The site has been optimized for SEO and used Google MicroData and OpenGraphData.
Any links from the site are correctly added to social networks.
Site connected to Google Analytics and Search Console.
Created dynamic site map for Google Search and other search engines...
All urls on site are user friendly, such as: https://tsukat.com/#/how-we-do-it .

Especially for this project was made panorama player. The player loads very quickly because it is made on WebGL + ThreeJS. Panoramic pictures can be conveniently added through the admin panel.
You can also set different colors of the player controls, enable or disable the logo. The player can be inserted into any page.

The engine of the site was written from scratch. So you will not find unnecessary categories or extra options.
All the buttons and menus in the right places, there is nothing superfluous, everything works fine on the PC and on the mobile version.
Also written its own WYSIWYG editor that does not generate extra code.
WebSite - TSUKAT

WebSite - TSUKAT
