"Le cock" is one of my first hanging sculptures. It was made in 2006 and presented in the final show of the school of Fine Arts, A.U.Th., Greece, and at the "Aggelon Vima" gallery in Athens at my first solo show, where it was sold to a private collector along with a drawing with asimilar subject. It is made of fabrics and soft stuffing materials, strategicaly places weights so as to keep the right balance while being hanged from the middle of its back and wire to keep the wings in place. I usually get to pass a period of time with a personal project before I make it available for purchace, so letting go of it so soon makes me look back at the photos with nostalgia- and a little remorse for my lack of photography skills at that point. 
Thank you for visiting. 
rehearsal for the final show
in the making 
Le cock- from the postcard series, drawing on A1  acid-free paper. 
Le cock