To dial up global hype we hired an official Elvish voice coach and workshopped the language with TVNZ morning presenter, Tamati Coffey. Overnight, it caught the attention of BBC World Television, Daily Mail and The New York Times.
Tolkien geeks went gaga... 
“Is Hobbition a real Location in New Zealand :D If it is then I’m going :D”
“Who is this man? Someone needs to give him a trophy.”
“This is sooo AWESOME!!! Best weather forecast EVER!!”
“OH MY FREAK. Let’s find an uninhabited island, found a Constitutional Republic, and proclaim Sindarin as the official language.”
“They need to do another in Khazdul! (Dwarvish)”
Elvish Newsjacking

Elvish Newsjacking

Viral\Newsjacking To dial up global hype we hired an official Elvish voice coach and workshopped the language with TVNZ morning presenter, Tamat 자세히 보기


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