Balcannes — the festival of the best advertising agencies of the SEE region, Europe. Every year, Rovinj, Croatia.

A logo inspired by a table cloth, a piece of fabric that for some reason in the Balkans is considered as the inevitable decoration of all kinds of televisions, creels and tables. It represents the classic Balkan home in combination with the typography that associates with the Balkans with its shape, fullness and clarity.

It also shows the game of two different letters — Cyrillic and Latin. They are essentially the symbol of the Balkans — so different and yet somehow similar and clear to everyone. The letter N is displayed in mirror to further emphasize all the similarities between the differences. Turned N clearly associates into Cyrillic in a bold version of the selected typography. The motif of the tablet adds a more sleek, gentler moment. Incompatible connection. Like Cyrillic and Latin. Or a solid, strong typography and a delicate pattern. And, ultimately, the Balkans and Cannes.

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Balcannes — the festival of the best advertising agencies of the SEE region, Europe. Every year, Rovinj, Croatia.
