Here is a quick look of some fonts that I just designed along my 15 years of my self-formed as type designer. Some of them comes from Custom fonts, another ones from Custom type projects for titles, headlines or logos, also I made dingbats and icons, another fonts were designed just as self-taught without any purpose beyond to express my voice as designer.
I just been designed more than 100 fonts without any formal education, just by my own for practicing, spending time on finding my own way to design and making my personal typography tools for using with another existing ones. Along time, some of my fonts just comes commercial in T.26 (, and some projects gave me the opportunity of develop fonts for them, another ones were made for social projects, and some of my work has been awarded and published around the world. I love type design, but this is not the only one thing that I do, is just a small part, as you can see in some other projects that I showing in my gallery and other places.
I'm just working and pushing forward for making all my fonts commercial, it's a big effort for now, but hopefully it can comes real in very soon. If you are interested in some of them, please write me and let me know about that and I can let you know if this is available. Write me to:
So, please take a look and enjoy! Any comment is always welcome. My appreciations in advance for that.
16 years of Type design

16 years of Type design

Type design
