Pieces Exhibition

The Pieces series consists of two mediums, graphic and textual. The same stories are connected through the interplay between graphics and corresponding texts. Graphics are created by a combined technique (monoprint, collage, drawing), and the texts are printed.

T h e    D i s a p p e a r a n c e    S t o r e
I sell time
Which I don’t have enough of anyway
To buy things that take up space, too

Both mediums, text and image, regardless of shared thematic boundaries, retain their own independent space. After writing a sufficient amount of stories and poems, the idea to illustrate them was derived from a question that has been occupying me for a long time, and that is the distribution of narrative potentials in both mediums; the possibility of complementing each other within a unit, versus the clashes that can create room for new interpretations. 

The graphic design, unlike the text, was systematically planned and time-consuming. Both mediums are connected by the same key motives and emotions emphasized by the impressions of isolation and reduction. Stories are freed from context, functioning within their own micro worlds, some consisting of just three verses, while the graphics, often stylized, are defined even by their own whiteness. My “roller stamping” technique is an experimental approach that allows both media to retain a certain freedom without being subordinated to each other. 

Next to each graphic is the accompanying text in both Croatian and English, which the viewers can take with them - accessibility is one of the main advantages of this medium. Graphics, on the other hand, are originals without reproductions. They are visually dominant and universal and therefore do not require any translation. Stories and poems, and subsequently graphics, are actually situations and segments whose purpose is not in the function of a classic story or a traditional combination of text and illustration, but in the possibility of emotion or thought, even if negative, to find its space and beauty.

Read all stories here.

Š i r a   G a l l e r y,    Z a g r e b    2 0 1 9

Pieces Exhibition

Pieces Exhibition

"Pieces" is a collection of literary and visual images in which graphics are accompanied by stories and poems.
