Concept & Objectives
For this sticker project, I was to create a series of three stickers. I knew immediately that I wanted to create state stickers, as that is something I would use myself and I knew many other people would like. I am from Arizona, and in my hometown there is this mountain called "Red Mountain." It is an emblem of home for myself and many others from the East Valley in Arizona. So naturally, that was the mountain I put for Arizona. For Idaho, my second home, I wanted to have mountains that represented the gorgeous Tetons. And for Utah, I knew I wanted to do something to give their snowcapped mountains justice.
I sketched out many ideas, starting with the states I wanted to do, and then expounding on what kinds of concepts I might include in the states. I even thought that maybe I would embody the state without the state outline. Ultimately I chose to do iconic mountains from each state in a state outline.
In the draft process, I thought maybe I would do a text-based sticker for Idaho, but again, I ultimately decided on mountains for all three. I started with just outlines of the states and outlines of the mountains. Then I went in and added color and other details, like snow.
I worked on the snow a lot. Getting the snow just right was the most difficult part of this sticker project. I wanted it to be compliant with the simple and flat look that I deliberately chose for my stickers, yet still look realistic. I talked with many people about the snow and finally came up with my final work.

The Final
After many hours and lots of tweaking, I came up with my final sticker product. I am very pleased with how they turned out and I believe that they capture the feeling of each state well.
State Stickers

State Stickers
