Voxel Characters | WeMotion

Agency: Voxel Digital 
Design Lead: Evandro Nascimento 
Illustration: Cristina Corat, Dásio Maia, Gustavo Nishi, Juliana Polastri 
Animation: Cristina Corat, Dásio Maia 
Writer: Daniela Leite 
Year: 2019

Enthusiasm, curiosity, worry, fear. We are used to 'emotions' as part of our daily life and we often associate them to facial expressions. 

Artistically, however, emotions don’t need to be illustrated to the letter. We can go further. 

'WeMotion' is a collection of characters that reinforces the company's mission to instantly arouse emotions and action through Digital Signage content. 

Check our characters and their respectives meanings bellow. Enjoy!

Voxel Characters | WeMotion