Carolyn Pianaltos profil

Global Refugee Crisis - Infographic

Infographic: For this project, design an infographic for submission to The One Club: Justice by Design college competition and IPCC electronic poster competition. Thoroughly research the topic options. An infographic turns boring text and data into an easily understood, yet stunning visual representation of said topic. This is more than a fancy bar graph or pie chart. Illustration, color, typography and layout will all play a large role in this project.
I picked the topic option of the Global Refugee Crisis.
For the final design, I will first state where the refugees are from (country of origin) then what causes people to become refugees, who they are, what things refugees need to survive and logos of organizations that can help. I illustrated all of the images to have an off-registered look. I wanted the people to be the focus so I added the most colors to their clothes.
Global Refugee Crisis - Infographic

Global Refugee Crisis - Infographic

An infographic for the One Club: Justice by Design college competition.
