UX Research  |   Branding   |   UI  Design
2 week personal project at Ironhack Madrid
tooli is a new mobile app that helps tools and creativity sharing

tooli wants to foster communities of creators, professionals and teachers,
helping them to connect with each other to make their projects reality

tooli is the easiest, more sustainable and fun way to achieve your creative goals
Rent the tools that you no longer use, 
find the ones you need

Learn new
creative skills
Hire professionals
build communities of creators
Marta helped us to understand the pains and gains of creators that want to hire their tools and want to learn new skills
The problems related to tools and skills detected on our research were :

1. Creators abandone their creative tools because of lack of knowledge

2. Creators feel frustrated when they buy tools and don't use them as much as they want

3. Creators look for creative communities to find help them boost their creativity
You can filter the results of their searches
by rent, learn and/or hire.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
You can hire a DSLR from another tooler, who can also teach you
a first lesson or give you feedback about your photos
once the renting period finishes. 

It's a win-win!
Every managed tool will be stored in your toolibox. 
There you will be able to save tools for future projects
and share your discoveries with friends
That's all folk! 
Hope you've enjoyed tooli's study case.

Thanks for your visit.
tooli (iOS app)

tooli (iOS app)
