We are constantly pushing ourselves to make personal work alongside our client work at Howell Edwards. We are always trying to learn new skills and techniques, refining our knowledge and abilities so that we can give our clients the best possible service and products. In terms of our illustrator, Phil is always learning new techniques, developing new brushes, and constantly refining his skills to offer a full range of illustrative styles. One of the ways that he does this is by setting himself small personal projects to achieve, and we thought we’d share one with you.

Yas Queen Zine is a collection of thirty images of iconic female artists and female-fronted bands. Illustrated one a day, the concept was to take a variety of artists from a range of musical backgrounds – pop, hip-hop, rock – and show their punk ethos and spirit through illustration. We’ve chosen artists with empowering messages and attitudes; whether they’re body-positive, sex-positive or LGBT positive, they’re all powerful feminist icons with great strong ideals. By using a cliche, typical zine style for the work, we’ve represented just how powerful they are, whilst keeping their femininity and womanliness intact.

If you’re looking for editorial illustration in a similar, punk style, or you have great ideas on who else we should be drawing, we would love to hear from you.
Yas Queen ZIne

Yas Queen ZIne

Yas Queen Zine is a collection of thirty images of iconic female artists and female-fronted bands. Illustrated one a day, the concept was to take 阅读更多内容
