
The five senses of human being are tactile olfactory visual taste sensation.
5 feelings of importance in interior design
1 Vision, which occupies a very large proportion in most cases, when customers are looking for a house or when asking a designer to design a house, they first see the house type or design effect, such as the shape of the architectural style. Environment, interior decoration style. This will give customers the power to see the house in person.

2 Smell When the customer feels that the currently selected house is not bad, he will watch it personally. At this time, the smell is very important in the human brain. Many smells are subconsciously  What is a comfortable smell? What is not? A comfortable smell, such as when people smell the flowers, will feel comfortable, but it will not be comfortable next to the trash can. The most important thing is that the odor will spread people will ask for the smell at a great distance. If the smell is not good, the visual effect is no good. This is important for families with pets.

3 Touch and hearing, when customers feel that the visual sense of smell is ok, they will consider touch and smell.
The sense of touch depends on the material, such as the bed and the sofa. Some people may like the elasticity, and some customers like it a bit hard. Of course, this must be chosen according to the needs of the customer.
 Hearing, in the environment of people's lives, sound is everywhere. 1 decibel is the sound that human ears can just hear. The sound below 20 decibels, in general, we think it is quiet (the sound of rest sleeps) Of course, in general, below 15 decibels, we can think of it as "dead silence." 20-40 decibels is about the whispers of the couple's ears. 40-60 decibels belong to our normal conversation voice. More than 60 decibels is a noisy range, 70 decibels we can think that it is very noisy, and began to damage the hearing nerve (bar), 90 decibels or more will make the hearing impaired, and stay in the space of 100-120 decibels If there is no accident, human beings will have temporary deafness in one minute.
Summary: Although vision is the most important, others are also very important. It can be said that vision is part of the designer's skills, and the customer will feel the designer's skills in the first time through vision. But the other 3 senses are related to the health of the residents. As a designer, they should take care of their future health while satisfying the customer's interior style.
Since ancient times, viewing has been regarded as the most important way for individuals to understand the world. This view is particularly prominent in Western culture. Aristotle once thought that vision is "the most noble feeling of mankind" because the immaterial nature of vision makes it more rational and more direct to serve. More ancient Greek philosophers often associate clear vision with knowledge and compare truth to light.
This leads to a very interesting question. What makes people consciously and unconsciously give fuzzy "causal connection" between "viewing" and "cognition"? In The eyes of the skin, the author cites a view that vision has a property that cannot be replaced by other senses, and that it can identify itself. In other words, we can see that we are watching, thus strengthening the perception of self-existence. On the other hand, while we are watching, we also realize that we may be watched by others, so we have a clearer understanding of ourselves in this viewable world. In the Renaissance, the perspective made the eyes more deeply the center of the world, and became the center of self-recognition. In theory, the hegemony of the visual cloak of legality.
Moreover, the power of vision is that it can most effectively evoke a person's synaesthesia. We admire Van Gogh's "Starry Night", as if at the same time you can reach out and touch the quiet with a hint of vertigo; we look at the spring of the garden, it seems to smell the fragrance of the flowers; we look at the pictures of the sea, the ears are on the ears There was a wave of waves. The visual predisposition seems to be unquestionable. But from another perspective, the integrity of the vision is endowed by other senses, and the absence of any sense of sense can lead to impaired quality of experience. As stated in The eyes of the skin, “the vision that is out of touch can't understand distance, externality, or the depth behind things, and thus cannot sense space and body.” It should be said that the contribution to cognition is attributed to vision, and more to the objectivity expressed by visual externality, thus being artificially endowed with dialectical and rational qualities. The author believes that in the real world, our zero-distance contact with the world is achieved through touch.
We touch the world first and then watch the world. From this perspective, vision is an extension of the sense of touch. The sense of synaesthesia inspired by the visual is also because our body retains its own unique memory for these experiences. Furthermore, all the senses themselves are a whole, with no distinction between the main and the second, and no distinction. Watching is just a way for us to objectively understand the world, and experiencing the world requires all the senses to work together to dispel the separation between the individual and the world. In fact, while we touch the world, we are also experiencing the feeling of being touched by the world.

  In the field of architecture, this visual hegemony is directly reflected in the sculptural buildings, swaying the structural acrobatics and the almost crazy shape, even at the expense of the human space experience. Such examples are numerous in the experimental field of contemporary architecture in China. I think that architecture is essentially a combination of spaces for people to serve, and this kind of behavior that pursues visual pleasure or impact is obviously inversion. Of course, the pursuit of visual styling and the guarantee of spatial experience are not contradictory. As the book says, a good building is bound to inspire people's multiple senses through materials, light and shadows, etc., so that we can feel the spiritual connection with the world and feel a more complete self-existence.

  Interestingly, this trait of touch and vision (even if it is artificially endowed) seems to reflect the traits of Eastern and Western culture to some extent. Chinese people are more holistic in thinking and accustomed to seeing individuals and the environment as an inseparable whole. They must not only look at them with their eyes, but also use their minds to understand them. Sometimes they even weaken the meaning of "watching". For example, Laozi says: "Five colors are dazzling."

  On the other hand, the "Heaven and Man" as the ultimate goal of the sacred and holy, has almost been integrated into the blood of the Chinese. This concept actively dispels the separation between the individual and the world, rather than deliberately opening a psychological distance and objectively observing and analyzing the world as a bystander. On the contrary, Western culture has fallen from Greek civilization, and rationalism has occupied a dominant position. The analysis of objective and rational things is the main means of understanding the world. The world is a viewable object, and it is a researchable object. However, the context of Chinese traditional culture has been cut off again and again. It is difficult to find its own position under the impact of Western civilization. The wisdom of the overall thinking of the ancients has not been well translated into modern language, but used by us.
Of course, this is a big topic and it is not easy to expand. But after all, when we use all our senses to experience the world, we are also experiencing our own past, experiencing ourselves and the history of a nation, and finally turning into a deeper understanding of ourselves. The breadth of outwardness and the depth of the forward will ultimately be attributed to our inward depth.
I learned a very important point in the second week of the lecture, felling at home. Another way of saying it is the sense of belonging.
Generally ,the sense of belonging is a concept of cultural psychology. It refers to the degree to which an individual or group agrees with a thing or phenomenon and how closely it relates to the thing or phenomenon. The dimensions of belonging are often different for different objects.
For example, for the sense of belonging of the residential community, we can consider it through five dimensions: comfort, recognition, security, communication, and sense of accomplishment. For example, to examine the sense of belonging of urban residents to the city, they can pass two relatively independent levels—the sense of urban belonging in the regional sense and the sense of belonging in the sense of the group, or the sense of belonging to the city. The sense of belonging of urban residents is considered. The former level is mainly analyzed from the perspective of objective conditions such as economy and material, while the latter level focuses on the analysis of social and ideological psychology and cultural concepts.
The concept of school belonging has been proposed in the field of education and psychology for several decades. Goodenow (1993) proposed that sense of school belonging is the acceptance, respect and respect of teachers and students in the school environment. The feeling of support feels an important part of school life and classroom activities. In addition, students feel that they are an important part of a class or school, accepted by others, perceived by others to be valuable, and an emotion that is integral with others. L. H. Anderman (1999) pointed out that the sense of belonging in the school is that students feel that they are respected and comfortable in a particular school. In 2003, he improved his understanding of the school's sense of belonging on the original basis. The feelings mentioned are the social background of the teachings students observe and how they feel about their position in the school structure. Chinese scholar Xu Qinmei (2006) and others pointed out that the sense of belonging of the school is the students' ideological, emotional and psychological recognition and input to the school they are attending, and they are willing to assume the responsibilities and obligations as a member of the school, and Willing to participate in school activities.
At the same time, the education in the later period is especially important. For example, when we are educated from an early age, we cannot speak loudly in the library. The library is a place to provide learning. We need to keep quiet. Under this kind of education, we will subconsciously think that the library is a quiet place, so that we will have a quiet feeling when we see or hear the library.
week 4
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In the fifth week, this week I learned that we want to design a life learning center called Endeavour Foundation. The customer’s request is
Break out rooms for educational purposes
Open plan for multipurpose activities
Art room for specific art programs
Office space
Chill out Rooms
Core activities are either leisure based or skill development
Kitchen for general use and meal preparation
Facilities including ambulant access and shower facilities
I plan to design a multi-purpose learning center. I think Griffith's library is a good reference.
week 6
During this week, I carefully referred to our library. I found that the library has three large areas, one is a large learning area, and there are many different styles of learning equipment in the area, such as high and low materials. Desk and sofa. The second is a lot of computer services, these computers are used by those who do not have a laptop, and then the PS4 is provided to students to play, which can ease the pressure on students. The last one is a lot of private counterattacks, when students want to concentrate on learning or meeting. At the same time, I also found that the floor of the library is carpeted, which can absorb noise well to provide a good learning environment.
week 8
week 9
ide 3

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