Have a delivery, have a choice. Infographic poster

Have a delivery, have a choice.
Analysis inside the system of public and private sector in Italy.
This infographic poster shows the global problem of Caesarean Section rate starting from a general overview of the phenomenon. Secondly we have analyzed countries with higher and lower C-Section rate: Brazil and Chad. In the end we have build the system made of actors, relationships and flows that represent the global situation.
Project by: Tiziana Alocci, Federico Biraghi, Elena Fiorentini, Dimitri Nube, Daniela Sonia Pessot, Sara Porco.
Politecnico di Milano – Scuola del Design
Communication Design – Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale C3 – a.y. 2012|13
Professors: Paolo Ciuccarelli, Stefano Mandato, Donato Ricci, Tommaso Venturini, Salvatore Zingale.
Teaching Assistant: Matteo Azzi, Michele Mauri, Azzurra Pini.
Have a delivery, have a choice. Infographic poster
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Have a delivery, have a choice. Infographic poster

Infographic poster about Caesarean Section rate and medical implications.

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